Thursday, October 17, 2013

Outfit | Autumn Warmth

Another day without tights. It's October and it feels nothing like autumn. Even in the evenings, it's too warm. I think the coldest it got while I was out was like 72 degrees. That's TOO warm for autumn. If you've been following my blog, then you already know that I'm a child of winter despite my summer birthday. I think I've already shot an outfit that's similar to this one, the only difference is the addition of the cardigan since it does get cold in the classes I take on Mondays and Wednesdays. On the plus side, my issues with the bank is going to be resolved by the end of the weekend so that's really good. And as I type this post, a commercial for a new Stephen King novel played. It's called "Doctor Sleep" and the book trailer has piqued my interest. I'm making a note here to check it out. Anyways, for those of you who get colder (proper) autumn weather, I am jealous. So insanely jealous. At least the cemetery was once again empty and looked really pretty. Although the last time I was here, there was a guy who looked eerily like Ned from "Pushing Daisies" and it was weirding me out so badly. I feel like I just made him up. I hope that's not the case...and if it is, well I've got an idea for a new short story.
(also, the sky looked so pretty when I finished shooting)
Outfit Details: Denim Dress (Thrifted) | Brown Waist Belt (Thrifted) | Yellow Cardigan (Forever 21) | Red Flats (Forever 21) | Ring (Gifted) | Bag (Ross)

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