Sunday, July 14, 2013

Life | Some Snaps of a Day in My Life

I used to do "day-in-my-life" blogposts on one of my old blogs before I stopped doing them because I'd forget to take my camera with me. It's been easier to document a day since I've gotten my iPhone but I quite like the quality of the pictures my Sony DSLR allows me to take. This was my day on Saturday July 13th, basically yesterday. I stopped after like 6 pm though since I had a babyshower and ended up leaving to see some friends. Maybe one day, I'll master the art of the "day-in-my-life" posts. That day is not today..or yesterday, technically. Anyways! I also have a video review uploaded of "Pacific Rim". If you'd like, you can check it out here :)

New glassses! I love em!

Took this one of my sister, Aleah.

I gave my sister my camera for like two seconds and she took these. Not to toot my own horn, but I don't look half bad for someone who is about to keel over from the heat.

Majority of the day was spent at this cutie's bday.

Some Doctor Who at the playground where the birthday was being held.

My cousin, Andrew, being a creeper and checking on our younger cousins.

Aleah, the perpetual dork.

This day was quite fun and relaxing. Except for the heat. That was terrible as all hell, but family made it well worth it.

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